WTS is a remote support only company. What that means is that a stable Internet connection is required to be able to receive our assistance. If network troubleshooting is required, you may need access to another PC or a laptop that is fully operational in order to prepare and execute the fix.
How can I reach you if I have an issue?
The best way is to log in to our customer portal and create a ticket or send us an email at: support@wagnertechnologysolutions.com and we will be with you shortly.
Can you build a PC for me?
WTS does not provide hardware assistance in terms of replacing broken parts because we operate as a remote support only company. What we can do for you is recommend and advise you on what parts to use in your custom-build machine or a workstation and advise you where to get them or suggest a laptop that would fit your needs.
There are so many applications to choose from that fit our needs. Can you help us narrow it down?
WTS can help you decide on the product that will serve your and your company’s needs in the best way possible. We also provide you with a full assessment of your current technology and equipement in case additional changes in terms of your equipment are necessary.
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